Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Chapter 1

Discussion Questions

1. Discuss how a CIO might handle Schrage's scenarios using the suggested process for ethical decision making presented in this chapter.

ANSWER : CIO may interview people that are involed in this matter, CIO may also gather useful and factual informations for developing schrage's. 

2. Discuss the possible short-term losses and long-term gains in implementing ethical solutions for each of Schrage’s scenarios.

ANSWER : As stated,  There are some readers argued that CIO's must consider a company's long-term needs rather than just the current needs of a specific project.

3.Must business choose between good ethics and financial benefits? Explain your answer using   Schrage’s scenarios as examples.

ANSWER : No, both good ethics and financial benefits are needed and should be included. For any changes between the two may have a big effect in the business.

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