Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Chapter 1

Discussion Questions

1. Discuss how a CIO might handle Schrage's scenarios using the suggested process for ethical decision making presented in this chapter.

ANSWER : CIO may interview people that are involed in this matter, CIO may also gather useful and factual informations for developing schrage's. 

2. Discuss the possible short-term losses and long-term gains in implementing ethical solutions for each of Schrage’s scenarios.

ANSWER : As stated,  There are some readers argued that CIO's must consider a company's long-term needs rather than just the current needs of a specific project.

3.Must business choose between good ethics and financial benefits? Explain your answer using   Schrage’s scenarios as examples.

ANSWER : No, both good ethics and financial benefits are needed and should be included. For any changes between the two may have a big effect in the business.

Chapter 2

Discussion Questions:

1. How can organizations and vendors change their certification programs to test for skills as well as core knowledge? What issues might this introduce?

ANSWER : As discussed, certifications still is not the best way to know if an IT has the perfect skills required. The company itself must conduct a training program for them to know the proper job for the applicants, this also can help verify the skills the applicants have and if they had passed the standards needed. 

2. What are the primary arguments against certification. And how can certifying bodies change their programs to overcome these shortcomings?

ANSWER : They argued that testable IT knowledge does not necessarily translate into quality IT work. Companies can overcome these short comings through proper IT training, with or without certifications.

3. What are the benefits of certification? How might certification programs need to change in the future to better serve the needs of the IT community?

ANSWER : The more certifications you can show into a company you are applying for, the higher the chance you will be hired. And also, as technology changes, the certification programs still has the need to change. This is to update the knowledge of the people, specifically, the IT people.

Friday, April 13, 2012

What it takes to be an IT professional?

What does it take to be an IT professional? you will need skills! skills you can only attain through education, research, and practice.

I have searched some websites to help me have more ideas. Because of that I learned more about the word "professional". Being a professional is having technical skills, this is the knowledge and abilities needed to accomplish a specific task. But there's this extra skills which they call "soft skills". Soft skills, they say, decides how fast and well you climb the ladder of success. Here are some lists of soft skills.

1. A never-say-die attitude
Any task that comes to you or your team, undertake with a can-do attitude. Slowly you will observe that you and your team have become the favorite of the management. Every accomplished task boosts your self confidence and pushes you one step closer to success.

2. Communication
This includes verbal, non-verbal and written communication. Be sure that you are able to put across your point clearly and confidently. As an IT professional you will need to work with colleagues and clients of various nationalities and backgrounds. Ensure that you are able communicate clearly with them. This applies to teleconferencing as well.

3. Learn to listen
Listening is an essential part of communication. Ensure that you listen attentively. This will help make the other party feel comfortable while interacting with you and improve your communications.

4. Be a team player
Help your team members help themselves. Be friendly and approachable. If your team is stuck somewhere look out for ideas to overcome the obstacle together.

5. Learn to delegate
Chances are you will have junior members on the team. Recognise their strengths and delegate them the right work.

6. Give credit to those who deserve it
Do not all the credit for a job well done. Pass on praise or recognition from superiors to team members who deserve it. Doing it publicly or in front of your boss will further instill a feeling of confidence among your team.

7. Motivate yourself and others
As you look ahead to grow in your career you will need to deal with various people under you. You can not expect quality results from a team whose motivational level is too low. So, stay motivated and keep others motivated.

8. Develop leadership qualities
A leader is a person whom people are ready to follow. Develop qualities that will make people follow you not because they are required to but because they want to. Even while operating in a team, take a role to lead and facilitate the work for other members.

9. Control your sense of humor
When you are working with people from various cultures you need to be extra careful with your sense of humour and gestures. Behavior that is acceptable among Indian colleagues might be considered obscene or disrespectful by people from other cultures. Stay away from controversial topics or ideas in the office.

10. Mentoring
This is a quality one needs to develop in order to grow. If you want to grow in the hierarchy, you need to help sub-ordinates grow. Be a good mentor. Help them understand things better. This not only improves the work environment but also improves your work relationships.

11. Handling criticism
When you are working with people, at times you will be criticised while at others you will be required to criticise your colleagues or sub-ordinates. Ensure that you take the criticism constructively and look at it as an opportunity to grow. Similarly, while criticizing others shoose your words carefully and keep it professional. Destructive criticism will lead to loss of respect and trust. Let your criticism help the other person grow.

12. IT-preneur- Like an entrepreneur, have a risk-taking attitude. Learn to take responsibility for failures and pride in a job well done.

13. Managing spoil sports
While working in a team there will always be one or two people with a negative attitude. This attitude can be contagious. Employ tactics to deal with such people and improve motivation.

14. E-tiquette
Keep an eye on your e-mails for proper language. Open up the e-mail with a suitable address and end with a thanking note. Your words should convey the correct meaning and invoke the desired action.

15. Multitasking
As you climb the ladder of success, you will need to handle work from various fields. For example, you will have to interact with your technical team on project success, with the HR department for team appraisal and recruitment, with clients on project requirements or problems etc. Organize and plan to fit in all the required activities into your schedule.

Only if you have attained or developed soft skills together with your technical skills, thats the moment you'll say "I am an IT professional!".