Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Chapter 10

Questions to consider:

1. How can an organization ensure that all the members of its supply chain will behave ethically?

ANSWER : They should always keep an eye on all the members of its supply chain. They must be strict. Remove all members who behaved unethically.

2. What responsibility does an organization have to ensure that its suppliers and business partners behave ethically?

ANSWER : Commitment, trust and continuous improvement. Marketing attempts to create an impression of a personal relationship to customers even if the supplier does not know the customers or even meet them.

COURTESY OF : http://www.huizenga.nova.edu

 Discussion questions:

1. How have green computing efforts lowered the total cost of computer ownership?

ANSWER : The goals of green computing are similar to green chemistry; reduce the use of hazardous materials, maximize energy efficiency during the product's lifetime, and promote the recyclable or biodegradability of defunct products and factory waste. Research continues into key areas such as making the use of computers as energy-efficient as possible, and designing algorithms and systems for efficiency-related computer technologies.

LINK : http://www.weegy.com/?ConversationId=0B0F4D19

2. Which approach can yield greater benefits-building greener computers or implementing programs that change users’ behavior so they operate their computers in a more responsible manner?  Explain your response.

ANSWER : In today’s’ climate, it is difficult to ignore the ongoing concerns about climate change and the environment and whereas there appear to be no easy solutions for businesses, the IT community can have a significant impact on the worldwide carbon footprint 
by adopting a ‘greener’ approach to computing .Green computing is rising energy costs and potential savings. Energy to manufacture, store, operate, and cool computing systems has grown significantly  in the recent years, primarily due to the volume of systems and computing that companies now heavily rely upon.

LINK : http://ijarcsse.com/docs/papers/february2012/volume_2_issue_2/V2I2073.pdf

3. Do research at the EPEAT Web site and determine which computer manufacturer currently has the best green computing ratings.


Hewlett Packard(HP)In recent years, Hewlett Packard has introduced many Energy Star qualified computers onto the market, including several that have won high EPEAT ratings.

Dell - has introduced an ultra-green desktop computer called the Studio Hybrid.

AppleApple is has begun to make many of its green computers with recyclable materials such as aluminum, polycarbonate and glass. 

Lenovo - uses post-consumer recycled materials such as plastic water bottles in the manufacture of its green computers.

I found this information on http://www.brighthub.com/environment/green-computing/articles/61813.aspx because i cannot find it in http://www.epeat.net/
Chapter 9

Questions to consider:

1. Many people question the value of Twitter’s goal of helping people stay connected in real time. Do the events in Iran illustrate the potential value to society of social networking tools such as Twitter? Are there other ways that Twitter and other social networks could be used by people and organizations to add real value?

ANSWER : Twitter enables users to send or read text-based posts. Twitter can be helpful or it could  be harmful, it depends on how you will use it.The best way to add real value is to keep your eyes open and improve as many things as possible. Figure out how you can help the situation or connect with people who can. You have to know what you are involved in, inside and out, so you’re ready when an opportunity presents itself. 

COURTESY OF: http://www.wikipedia.org/ and http://talentegg.ca/

2. How trustworthy is the information one gleans from social networks such as Twitter?

ANSWER : There has been some interesting debate on the credibility of twitter as perceived in the eyes of users. According to a recent study by the Association for Education in Journalism, entitled: A little bird told me, so I didn't believe it: Twitter, credibility, and issue perceptions, twitter isn’t doing well in the trustworthy stakes when it comes to news.

In the survey they established that twitter was the one source of news that people were the least likely to trust. Even when the actual tweets came from a reliable news service! This is fascinating stuff. I mean, you can see why people could have problems believing in what twitter has to say, can’t you?

LINK : http://www.techinstyle.tv/2010069492/uncategorized/is-twitter-trustworthy/ 

 Discussions question

1. Some observers believe that if an organization does not respond to an attack on its brand within the first 24 hours, then the damage has been done—lack of management response is judged as an admission of guilt. Others feel that some time is required to gather facts and figure out what happened before responding. With the advantage of 20/20 hindsight, how might Domino’s have reacted more effectively?

ANSWER : Then they should gather facts and figures before the damage. In other words, they should anticipate the attack on its brand, in that way they could reduce or maybe avoid future damages.

2. Do you find it unusual that Domino’s response was primarily through the online media rather than the usual printed press releases? Does this seem an effective and appropriate way to respond under these circumstances? Why or why not? Does Domino’s use of the online media set a precedent for others to follow in the future?

ANSWER : Online media has a very big role in  influencing people than printed press. Online media could post  images, videos or even a message in an instant which print press couldn't. by the use of these, people could see factual or unreal information that would spread worldwide.

3. Identify three lessons that other companies could learn from Domino’s experience.

Chapter 8

Questions to consider : 

1. How important is access to ICT in children’s education?

ANSWER : Information and Communication Technology in children's education would enable children to explore and search information easily. This would help them widen their knowledge as long as they know computer ethics. 

2. What are the barriers that stand in the way of universal access to ICT for everyone who wants it?

ANSWER : Money i guess is one of the fact that hinders anyone who wants to access Information and communication technology(ICT). Poor countries like Philippines do not have a budget, or maybe they have but they lack on financial support with regards to accessing ICT especially in rural areas. 

Discussion questions

1. Can you provide examples that either refute or confirm the idea that a gap exists between the kinds of healthcare services available to the wealthy and the poor in the United States?

ANSWER : As health care becomes an ever larger share of the economy, we will have no choice but to struggle with the questions of how far we should allow such inequality to extend and what restrictions on our liberty we should endure in the name of fairness.

LINK : http://www.weegy.com/?ConversationId=9771CF9C

 2. Should healthcare organizations make major investments in telemedicine to provide improved services that only the wealthy can afford?

ANSWER : Yes, Healthcare organizations should, but not just for those wealthy people but for everyone. Telemedicine helps eliminate distance barriers and can improve access to medical services. Everyone needs medical services don't they? 

COURTESY OF: http://www.wikipedia.org/

3. What are the drawbacks of telemedicine? What situations might not lend themselves to telemedicine solutions?

ANSWER :  telemedicine clearly has a wide range of potential benefits, it also has some disadvantages. The main ones that can be envisaged are: a breakdown in the relationship between health professional and patient; a breakdown in the relationship between health professionals; issues concerning the quality of health information; and organizational and bureaucratic difficulties. On balance, the benefits of telemedicine are substantial, assuming that more research will reduce or eliminate the obvious drawbacks.

LINK : http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15829049

Chapter 7

Questions to Consider:

1. Is this example of software problems holding up the introduction of a major new product and impacting a firm’s customers and suppliers unusual, or is it a common occurrence?

ANSWER :  I think it is normal to buy software with defects though that would give a bad impression into the consumers.

2. What can organizations do to reduce the negative consequences of software development problems in the production of their products and the operation of their business processes and facilities?

ANSWER :  Software engineers should refine techniques to mediate risks of developing software products that should of course meet the needs of their clients.

Discussion questions

1.   With the benefit of hindsight, what steps could have been taken during development of the Patriot software to avoid the problems that led to the loss of life?  Do you think these steps would have improved the Patriot’s effectiveness enough to make it obvious that the missile was a strong deterrent against the Sued?  Why or why not?

ANSWER : They should have Double checked everything.

2. What ethical decisions do you think the U.S. military made in choosing to deploy the Patriot missile to Israel and Saudi Arabia and in reporting the effectiveness of the Patriot system?

ANSWER : Their intention to end the war i think is ethical.

3. What key lessons from this example of safety-critical software development could be applied to the development of business information system software?

ANSWER : Software development is a very critical job. You could be sued for just for making a single error. That is why you should double check everything, for there is no room for any mistake.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Chapter 6

Questions to consider

1. Is the RIAA’s strong stand on copyright infringement helping or hurting the music recording industry?

ANSWER : I think RIAA's stand on copyright infringement helps the music industry, for RIAA only protects the value of creative work. When you make unauthorized copies of someone’s creative work, you are taking something of value from the owner without his or her permission and that i think is punishable. 

2.  Could an ISP’s implementation and enforcement of the RIAA’s multitier strategy have a negative impact on the ISP?

ANSWER : During a panel discussion held for US publishers this week, RIAA chairman Cary Sherman said his association and a number of ISPs—including AT&T, Cablevision, Comcast, Time Warner Cable, and Verizon—will begin policing traffic to crack down on piracy starting this summer.

The deal is not new—the RIAA and the participating ISPs came to this agreement last June. But it has taken time to implement. According to CNET, Sherman explained that "each ISP has to develop their infrastructure for automating the system." He gave July 12 as the "start date" for the traffic monitoring to start.

The system involves major labels monitoring BitTorrent and other peer-to-peer networks for copyright infringement, and then reporting that infringement to ISPs, who will monitor their networks for the transgressors.

Then, the ISPs will send goon squads out to capture transgressors and bring them back to the compound for “re-education.”

LINK : http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2012/03/riaa-and-isps-to-police-your-traffic-starting-july-12/

Lotus vs Borland

Discussion questions

1. Go to your school’s computer lab or a PC software store and experiment with current versions of any two of the Quattro, Excel, or Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet programs.  Write a brief paragraph summarizing the similarities and differences in the “look and feel” of these two programs.

ANSWER :  Graphs in a spreadsheet program such as Lotus 1-2-3 and Quattro Pro are similar to what we call graphs in math class. In Microsoft Excel they called charts.
Graphs then, are visual representations of worksheet data. Graphs often makes it easier to understand the data in a worksheet because users can easily pick out patterns and trends illustrated in the graph that are otherwise difficult to see.

2. The courts took several years to reverse their initial decision and rule in favor of Borland.  What impact did this delay have on the software industry?  How might things have been different if Borland had received an initial favorable ruling?

ANSWER : The U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit released its long-awaited decision in Lotus Dev. Corp. v. Borland Int'l, Inc., No. 93-2214 (1st Cir. Mar. 9, 1995), reversing a series of district court decisions that had found Borland liable for copyright infringement.

On appeal, Borland does not dispute that it factually copied the words and arrangement of the Lotus menu command hierarchy. Rather, Borland argues that it “lawfully copied the unprotectable menus of Lotus 1-2-3.” Borland contends that the Lotus menu command hierarchy is not copyrightable because it is a system, method of operation, process, or procedure foreclosed from protection by 17 U.S.C. Section 102(b). Borland also raises a number of affirmative defenses.

3. Assume that you are the manager of Borland’s software development.  With the benefit of hindsight, what different decisions would you have made about Quattro?

ANSWER: I think the best thing to do is to resign. 

Chapter 5

Questions to consider

1. Does sexting represent a form of expression that is protected by the First Amendment?

ANSWER :  'Sexting' and other teen autopornography are becoming a widespread phenomenon, with perhaps 20% of teenagers admitting to producing nude or semi-nude pictures of themselves and an ever greater proportion, perhaps as many as 50%, having illegally received such pictures from friends and classmates. It is, moreover, beginning to result in criminal prosecutions, and the statutory penalties are severe. Given the reality of changing social practices, mores and technology utilization, today’s pornography laws are a trap for unwary teens and operate, in effect, to criminalize a large fraction of America’s young people. As such, these laws and prosecutions represent a stark example of the contradictions that can occur when governmental policies and initiatives built on past truths and values collide with new and unanticipated social phenomena. 

The focus of anti-pornography enforcement in recent years has been the child pornography laws. The landmark cases of New York v. Ferber and Osborne v. Ohio have established and defined a categorical exclusion that denies First Amendment protection to sexually explicit visual depictions of minors. Even though Ferber and Osborne may not strictly speaking require a conclusion that sexting and other autopornography are unprotected speech, at least some lower courts and prosecutors appear to regard them that way. 

2. What can be done to protect people from the dangers of sexting while still safeguarding our First Amendment rights? 

ANSWER : While this behavior is perfectly legal and accepted among consenting adults, teenagers who similarly experiment with this communicative outlet are often dragged into the judicial system by police officers, prosecutors, and judges. They reflexively categorize the activity as a child pornography offense and proceed to utilize the strict laws designed to  protect children as devastating weapons  against them. Often, juveniles prosecuted for this behavior end up being included on the 
public sex offender registry alongside the worst child molesters and pedophiles.

Discussion questions

1. Visit the EEF Web site at www.eff.org and develop a list of its current “hot” issues.  Research one EFF issue that interests you, and write a brief paper summarizing EFF’s position. Discuss whether you support this position and why.
ANSWER : From the Internet to the iPod, technologies are transforming our society and empowering us as speakers, citizens, creators, and consumers. When our freedoms in the networked world come under attack, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is the first line of defense. EFF broke new ground when it was founded in 1990—well before the Internet was on most people's radar—and continues to confront cutting-edge issues defending free speech, privacy, innovation, and consumer rights today. From the beginning, EFF has championed the public interest in every critical battle affecting digital rights.

Blending the expertise of lawyers, policy analysts, activists, and technologists, EFF achieves significant victories on behalf of consumers and the general public. EFF fights for freedom primarily in the courts, bringing and defending lawsuits even when that means taking on the US government or large corporations. By mobilizing more than 140,000 concerned citizens through our Action Center, EFF beats back bad legislation. In addition to advising policymakers, EFF educates the press and public.

2. What reasons might a firm give for joining and supporting EFF?

ANSWER :  It's my firm belief that there is no greater catalyst for the success of a society than liberty. History tells that story again and again around the world. As new aspects of society -- and whole new societies -- are built online, the EFF's mission is to protect that liberty. The payoff, if it succeeds, is tremendous, a huge increase in economic prosperity and an incalculable dividend of personal freedom

3. The vice president of public affairs for your midsized telecommunications equipment company has suggested that the firm donate $10,000 in equipment and services to EFF and become a corporate sponsor.  The CFO has asked if you, the CIO, support this action.  What would you say?

ANSWER : The EFF's primary cost is the staff, who because they work much harder than their salaries would warrant, are themselves all donors. This staff works to get the message out and organize the fight for digital liberty, and our on-staff attorneys make the difference in court and legislative battles on all fronts.

Chapter 4

Discussion Questions

1. What type of security breaches of medical record are commonly today?

ANSWER :  As i search to find breaches in medical records i found this information: Agency officials originally thought the hackers stole 24,000 Medicaid claims. But officials now say 24,000 files were stolen, and each file potentially contains information on hundreds of people.
Officials say the attack started last week and likely came from eastern Europe. The information was on a new server that had security tools installed improperly.
The agency says it plans to reach out to those affected and offer free credit monitoring services for one year.

LINK :   http://news.yahoo.com/utah-medical-records-breach-more-extensive-201409704.html 

2. What measures are being taken by the government and private industry to safeguard EHR's?

ANSWER :  I found the top 5 best practices on how to safeguard EHR's, as stated on an article i found : 

1. An organization-wide commitment to strong security
A complete Information Security Program (ISP) cuts across the entire enterprise, not just the IT department. It also includes items such as facilities availability and contingency, disaster preparedness, employee safety and human resource confidentiality.

2. A view of IT security as a competitive advantage
Savvy companies understand that in ever increasing amounts, the heart of an enterprise is found in the proper collection, storage, communication, availability, integrity and protection of electronic data. Security best practices leaders view protecting that information as a competitive advantage. In contrast, companies that experience IT security breakdowns are subject to damaging consequences that can limit competitiveness.

3. A sharp focus on security policies and processes
Having the latest and greatest array of technical "gear" such as firewalls, wireless infrastructure, virtualization and vulnerability management software appears to lead to a false sense of security in many cases. The best gear can be compromised without well-documented security policies and procedures that are rigorously followed and periodically updated, and the discipline to monitor and measure compliance to industry best practices such as ISO 27002.

4. Include business associates and partners in EHR security programs
As the exchange of electronic health information becomes more pervasive, the Department of Health and Human Services has made it clear that all entities in the chain bear responsibility for safeguarding electronic data. A breakdown anywhere in the chain affects all entities, both practically and legally speaking, and even a business associate's breach of electronics health records may require the notification of the customers/patients of all entities with access to the data. Successful organizations collaborate with business associates on the implementation of security programs and revise contracts to include data security/compliance requirements, breach notification costs, independent security assessments and other related issues.

5. Regularly conduct independent security assessments
The IT security environment is becoming ever more complex; safeguarding it is a dynamic endeavor that requires constant vigilance. HIPAA law requires covered entities to conduct routine evaluations of the effectiveness of records security programs, policies and procedures. An independent security assessment can evaluate security against potential risks in a format compliant with HIPAA Security Standards, even including business associates and partners with whom health data is exchanged. 

3. How do you think the implementation of ARRA will affect the privacy of our healthcare and personal data? What breaches do you foresee? How can they be forestalled?

ANSWER : As stated, ARRA requires healthcare institutions to notify individuals affected. ARRA is said to increase the enforcement of HIPAA(regulates the availability and breadth of group health plans and certain individual health insurance policies. It amended the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, the Public Health Service Act, and the Internal Revenue Code.) which means ARRA requires informations that may be breached.

Discussion Questions

1. How does Google's business model use personal data?

ANSWER :  Data or cookies is stored by  google or by any website within a browser and then subsequently sent back to the same website by the browser.this is to remember things that a browser had done there in the past, which can include having clicked particular buttons, logging in, or having read pages on that site months or years ago.

2. What do you think are the major privacy concerns raised by Google's business model and applications?

ANSWER :  Information breaches, though Google recently caused a stir when it decided to consolidate its privacy policies and share users' personal data across multiple Google services, including Gmail, Google search and YouTube. but despite the controversy google remains one of the world's favorite search engine. 

3. Do you think Google has taken adequate measures to protect its user's privacy? Explain your answer.

ANSWER : It is true that google provides protection to informations. One of these is, they provide privacy settings for the user that he/she may regulate cookies or data stored within his/her PC. But is this enough?google stores several personal information everyday. and they have now massive amounts of data which we all know may breach maybe due to hackers or human error. 

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Chapter 3

Questions to consider

1. Peter Gumble, European editor for Fortune magazine, comments, "Kerviel is a stunning example of a trader breaking the rules, but he's by no means alone. One of the dirty little secrets of trading floors around the world is that every so often, somebody is caught concealing a position and is quickly - and quietly - dismissed... [This] might be shocking for people unfamiliar with the macho, high-risk, high-reward culture of most trading floors, but consider this: the only way banks can tell who will turn into a good trader and who even the most junior traders to take aggressive positions. This leeway is supposed to be matched by careful controls, but clearly they aren't foolproof." What is your reaction to this statement by Mr. Gumble?

True, most of the companies nowadays have their own "dirty little secrets" of trading . And employees of the company conceal position quickly and quietly, and this is not good. companies must be aware and alert  to lessen or prevent any form of fraud.

2. What explanation can there be for the failure of SocGen's internal control system to detect Kerviel's transactions while Eurex detected many suspicious transactions?

ANSWER : SocGen became too confident. 

Discussion Questions

1. Do you think that Mike Lynn acted in a responsible manner? Why or why not?

ANSWER : True, He is responsible for he publicized the secrets of CISCO.

2. Do you think that Cisco and ISS were right to pull the plug on Lynn's presentation at the Black Hat conference? Why or why not?

ANSWER : No, for Lynn were about to reveal information to public. information that would reveal their dirt little secrets.

3. Outline a more reasonable approach toward communicating the flaw in the Cisco routers that would have a led to the problem being promptly addressed without string up animosity among the parties involved.

ANSWER :  "Software is vulnerable to a Denial of Service (DoS) and potentially an arbitrary code execution attack from a specifically crafted IPv6 packet."

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Chapter 1

Discussion Questions

1. Discuss how a CIO might handle Schrage's scenarios using the suggested process for ethical decision making presented in this chapter.

ANSWER : CIO may interview people that are involed in this matter, CIO may also gather useful and factual informations for developing schrage's. 

2. Discuss the possible short-term losses and long-term gains in implementing ethical solutions for each of Schrage’s scenarios.

ANSWER : As stated,  There are some readers argued that CIO's must consider a company's long-term needs rather than just the current needs of a specific project.

3.Must business choose between good ethics and financial benefits? Explain your answer using   Schrage’s scenarios as examples.

ANSWER : No, both good ethics and financial benefits are needed and should be included. For any changes between the two may have a big effect in the business.

Chapter 2

Discussion Questions:

1. How can organizations and vendors change their certification programs to test for skills as well as core knowledge? What issues might this introduce?

ANSWER : As discussed, certifications still is not the best way to know if an IT has the perfect skills required. The company itself must conduct a training program for them to know the proper job for the applicants, this also can help verify the skills the applicants have and if they had passed the standards needed. 

2. What are the primary arguments against certification. And how can certifying bodies change their programs to overcome these shortcomings?

ANSWER : They argued that testable IT knowledge does not necessarily translate into quality IT work. Companies can overcome these short comings through proper IT training, with or without certifications.

3. What are the benefits of certification? How might certification programs need to change in the future to better serve the needs of the IT community?

ANSWER : The more certifications you can show into a company you are applying for, the higher the chance you will be hired. And also, as technology changes, the certification programs still has the need to change. This is to update the knowledge of the people, specifically, the IT people.

Friday, April 13, 2012

What it takes to be an IT professional?

What does it take to be an IT professional? you will need skills! skills you can only attain through education, research, and practice.

I have searched some websites to help me have more ideas. Because of that I learned more about the word "professional". Being a professional is having technical skills, this is the knowledge and abilities needed to accomplish a specific task. But there's this extra skills which they call "soft skills". Soft skills, they say, decides how fast and well you climb the ladder of success. Here are some lists of soft skills.

1. A never-say-die attitude
Any task that comes to you or your team, undertake with a can-do attitude. Slowly you will observe that you and your team have become the favorite of the management. Every accomplished task boosts your self confidence and pushes you one step closer to success.

2. Communication
This includes verbal, non-verbal and written communication. Be sure that you are able to put across your point clearly and confidently. As an IT professional you will need to work with colleagues and clients of various nationalities and backgrounds. Ensure that you are able communicate clearly with them. This applies to teleconferencing as well.

3. Learn to listen
Listening is an essential part of communication. Ensure that you listen attentively. This will help make the other party feel comfortable while interacting with you and improve your communications.

4. Be a team player
Help your team members help themselves. Be friendly and approachable. If your team is stuck somewhere look out for ideas to overcome the obstacle together.

5. Learn to delegate
Chances are you will have junior members on the team. Recognise their strengths and delegate them the right work.

6. Give credit to those who deserve it
Do not all the credit for a job well done. Pass on praise or recognition from superiors to team members who deserve it. Doing it publicly or in front of your boss will further instill a feeling of confidence among your team.

7. Motivate yourself and others
As you look ahead to grow in your career you will need to deal with various people under you. You can not expect quality results from a team whose motivational level is too low. So, stay motivated and keep others motivated.

8. Develop leadership qualities
A leader is a person whom people are ready to follow. Develop qualities that will make people follow you not because they are required to but because they want to. Even while operating in a team, take a role to lead and facilitate the work for other members.

9. Control your sense of humor
When you are working with people from various cultures you need to be extra careful with your sense of humour and gestures. Behavior that is acceptable among Indian colleagues might be considered obscene or disrespectful by people from other cultures. Stay away from controversial topics or ideas in the office.

10. Mentoring
This is a quality one needs to develop in order to grow. If you want to grow in the hierarchy, you need to help sub-ordinates grow. Be a good mentor. Help them understand things better. This not only improves the work environment but also improves your work relationships.

11. Handling criticism
When you are working with people, at times you will be criticised while at others you will be required to criticise your colleagues or sub-ordinates. Ensure that you take the criticism constructively and look at it as an opportunity to grow. Similarly, while criticizing others shoose your words carefully and keep it professional. Destructive criticism will lead to loss of respect and trust. Let your criticism help the other person grow.

12. IT-preneur- Like an entrepreneur, have a risk-taking attitude. Learn to take responsibility for failures and pride in a job well done.

13. Managing spoil sports
While working in a team there will always be one or two people with a negative attitude. This attitude can be contagious. Employ tactics to deal with such people and improve motivation.

14. E-tiquette
Keep an eye on your e-mails for proper language. Open up the e-mail with a suitable address and end with a thanking note. Your words should convey the correct meaning and invoke the desired action.

15. Multitasking
As you climb the ladder of success, you will need to handle work from various fields. For example, you will have to interact with your technical team on project success, with the HR department for team appraisal and recruitment, with clients on project requirements or problems etc. Organize and plan to fit in all the required activities into your schedule.

Only if you have attained or developed soft skills together with your technical skills, thats the moment you'll say "I am an IT professional!".